Wednesday, April 08, 2009

My second attempt to blog

It's been hard trying to stay focused in LA because I really resent being here. A part of me wants to run away. My sister is moving to Vegas in September. Hey, I can move in with her, get a job at Michael Mina make a couple of grand and move back to SF to STAY...but I know my problems will follow me wherever I go. Another part of me sees this slump as something I EXACTLY needed to focus and preserver. 
In a matter of months, in spring my favorite season. My friendship base has dried up. I was nearly fired from my job. I'm getting older. I've hit my ten year mark in my stay in Los Angeles. And my H'Wood connections who I thought were so hot on me have seemed to have lost interest.

But, I won't give up.

Regardless how I feel or how I complain or what trauma I may be going through, (real or exaggerated) the one crystal clear thing I know is that I'm a great writer with sellable scripts that will make money. And that's the mother fucking truth. That is what gets me out of bed. That's what puts me at a job a I can't stand but had to fight to keep.

"Date". Is a hot thriller. "X" will change the face of television. Sigh. I guess I now go through the submission route. Screenplay contests. Queeries to agents and producers. Etc.

Never stop.

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