Wednesday, April 08, 2009

My Matt McConaughay rant

Okay, what the fuck dude? I now officially hate this guy. This RomCom bullshit has GOT to stop. Is this REALLY what you want? Is making more money in big opening bullshit movies like this and running around with your shirt off REALLY where you want to go? Jennifer Garner I can understand. She's still coming off her Alias hotness. Trying to establish the big budget movie cred by doing the studio RomCom. BUT she also does the action (The Kingdom) and the indie (Juno). YOU on the other hand are turning into a joke. "Wedding Planner"? "Failure To Launch"? "How To Lose A Guy"? "Fool's Gold"? GOGP is your FIFTH FUCKING ROMCOM! Grow a pair! Take a chance! Make out with Sean Penn! Play a ballet dancer! Get a 16 year old girl pregnant and then KILL HER! 

Okay, you're handsome. Okay, I would give a nut to have your abs.. I GE T it. Now be an actor and stop selling out. Let's see you fuck up James Franco's shit! I saw Lone Star. I KNOW you can do it!

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