Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The obssesion with Things

A few months ago I got a little inheritance. Suddenly stuff I never even thought about before, became suddenly very important. I've lived my whole life from hand to mouth and never really thought about the stuff I did not have. Then, suddenly I felt I DESERVED THAT STUFF.

Computers for example. The only computer I ever had was a archaic PC a former roommate left behind that had broke down many times and had no sound. Now I have a Fujitsu laptop that came out in March that I love more than my own life. Not only that. I now want an Alienware desktop as it's companion! Had a crummy little cell phone (and even THAT was new to me after years of using pay phones. One bitchy friend, that is no longer a friend said to me, "Oh my God. I thought you were a DRUG DEALER." When I called her fom a pay phone to her cell.) Now, I have a Treo650. (Not a 600, but a 650 mind you. Something THAT bitch don't got) that I know will be upgraded in about a year.
Bought my first ipod and have spent an embarrassing amount of money on itunes. Rediscovering songs from High School I thought I'd never hear again. (I hear the next gen of ipod will be Bluetooth. YAY!)

Bought a PS2, that I never even used. Gave it to my neighbor. Good thing too, now that I hear a PS3 is coming out. WHEW!

Have a Fuji digital camera after years of using disposable cameras. I take photos practically every day.

Am I a happier person with all this stuff? Well, yeah. I really do feel like a current member of society. Everything I have I really DO use and it IS making my life better. Do I have any regrets? Yes, too. I wish I didn't spend so much on itunes. I don't wanna say how much, it's REALLY embarassing. The PS2 and the games I got for it was a stupid buy too (Although I DID find out something about myself. I don't like video games. Never did. Except games where you get to "create". Like Sim City, Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 and Sims 2. Not destroy. Like every other game in existence) I also quit a job I LOATHED and loafed for 2 months. Currently looking for work now.

I don't think that this is the only money I will ever get. I'd like to think I will make much more in the future. Only now I feel like I am ready for it.

I may just get the PS3 anyway. For kicks.

The photo is of my kitten, Goodnight. Named after the Britt Ekland character Mary Goodnight in "The Man with the Golden Gun". The dumbest Bond Girl in the entire series. My cute little dum-dum. Goodnight is another one of my "things" I love. Like my PalmPilot Treo 65o. May it never break down.

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